Tennyson Road, Chelmsford, CM1 4HY
01245 354875 – www.stpiusxchelmsford.co.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S. Derbyshire
Our school is a small, caring and happy school where all the children and teachers know one another and where every child matters. Our committed and talented staff provide a rich and challenging curriculum and strive to encourage a love of learning in our pupils.
Everything we do is underpinned by our Catholic faith where the whole school agrees; ‘Together in God’s loving family, we believe, we learn, we grow’. We work in partnership with parents and the Church to provide opportunities to develop the spirituality of our children. We have close links with our parish church, Blessed Sacrament, Chelmsford where school Mass is regularly celebrated. We value the joy of working and learning in a community that is strengthened by common values and expectations and that strives to serve God through service towards others. Our children are also taught to respect and value other cultures and faiths.
We believe in high aspirations, high motivation and high achievement for all. We encourage children to have high expectations of themselves and aspire to be the best that they can be.
Our children are very happy here and together with parents, the parish and community we enable the children to grow into successful, happy and caring individuals who are ready to go out in the world and make a difference.
We are all proud of our school where pupils enjoy their learning in a caring environment where they feel safe, secure and valued.
Please take time to explore our school website www.stpiusxchelmsford.co.uk which I hope you will find both informative and useful. If you are interested in sending your child to St. Pius X and require further information or you would like to visit the school, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.
Mrs S.Derbyshire
Head Teacher (B.Ed.Hons)
St Pius X – Supplimentary Information From -2019-2020
St Pius X admission-policy-2019-2020
Patching Hall Lane
Essex CM1 4BS
Phone Number: (01245) 256030
Email: [email protected]</>
Website: www.sjp.essex.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr T Coen
I am blessed and honoured to serve and lead as Headteacher of St John Payne Catholic School. We have long enjoyed a glowing reputation as a community of learning and faith, both in the local community and beyond. It is a reputation that owes much to the wonderful formation students are afforded by our feeder schools, and has been forged by generations of students, teachers, parents and carers, and clergy whose association with the school continues to yield great warmth, affection, and the highest regard.
We are acutely aware of the guiding purpose that sustains our long standing record of academic success and pastoral care. Such success is attributed to the Gospel values that underpin all that we do, witnessed by the words above the entrance to our Chapel corridor: Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school.
Jesus’ words to those disciples who would deny the children access to him are prominent in our minds and hearts at St John Payne, where children are known and loved as individuals created in Christ’s image, and where we feel privileged to play a part in their education. We practise discipline with dignity whilst remaining resolute in the pursuit of high expectations to support students’ spiritual, social, moral and academic growth. We recognise parents and carers as a child’s first teachers, and are hugely appreciative of the support of the three way partnership between home, school and parish.
Throughout all that we do, students are supported and encouraged to fulfil their God given potential and to become the best versions of themselves: the people God created them to be. Visitors frequently comment upon our distinctive identity and sense of community. This is established by students’ positive attitude to learning, by their sense of belonging, and by their witness of our faith. Should you wish to visit they would love to show you around. They truly are our very best ambassadors.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Mr T. Coen